You don’t know me and Nicky didn’t know me either. She made an impact on me through her instagram account. I am visiting AMI this week and went to Nicky’s bench this morning. I was terrified when I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. She showed me how to live through that fear. I’m holding space for her joy, vibrancy and kindness this morning. AMI is a special place and even more special now. Thank you for sharing her with all of us.
As I was leaving I realized a beautiful bird was watching me from a nearby bench. I’m not sure if it’s any significance to you, but it felt significant to me.
Lori Mills (Trussville, Alabama)
Lori Mills
27th May 2024
Honored to have known you, your light and positivity has changed so many people's lives. You will be so missed Nicky, my thoughts are always with your family and Alex xx
Tasha x
6th March 2024
Feliz navidad Nicky, yo sé que tu nos estás viendo, sé que eres la estrella más brillante del cielo y siempre te saludo. Pienso en lo que Nicky hubiera hecho cada vez que algo me resulta difícil. Gracias a tus videos, ahora realmente puedo entender lo que significa apreciar la vida que tenemos y realmente estar agradecidos cada día por levantarnos. Te extraño y siempre te extrañaré pero sé que tu no quieres que esté triste, entonces llevo lo mejor de ti. Gracias por ser como eras y para mi sigues siendo. R.I.P. to the sweetest lady and i will always go grab life! ♡♡♡ loves from Paraguay.
Melissa Cramer
25th December 2023